It can be a confusing sight when you see a candle flickering indoors, but before you start to worry that you have a resident ghost in your home, check out this article.
We’re going to take a look at seven of the most common reasons that your candle may flicker inside.
What Causes Candle Flickering?
Both unscented and scented candles may flicker for a wide variety of reasons. Although it’s charming every once in a while, you don’t want your candles to flicker constantly because it might be a sign that they are burning faster than normal or are more of a fire hazard.
Below are some of the most common reasons that your candle might be flickering and what you can do to prevent it from happening constantly.
Wick Length
If the wick of your candle is too long, it may cause the candle to flicker excessively. When candles flicker constantly, they emit more soot, which can stain walls and curtains and diminish the smell of your scented candles.
To make sure that the wick of your candle isn’t getting in the way of a clean burn, try to keep it trimmed to about a quarter of an inch. At this length, it won’t cause any problems, and you’ll get a steadier burn.
How you store your candles also plays a part in whether or not they flicker. Leaving candles uncovered and exposed means that they’re more likely to accumulate moisture, dirt, and dust. When this happens, there’s a higher likelihood that they’ll flicker when lit.
That being said, you should store your candles in a cool, dry place with a lid. This is the best way to ensure they are as clean as possible when you’re ready to light them for a romantic date night (in this case, we recommend our Big Flirt candle) or to relax and unwind after a long day.
Wind or Drafts
It’s also important to mention that if your candle seems to be flickering more than usual, the culprit might just be wind or drafts that are blowing through your home. Keep in mind that even the slightest drafts can cause candles to flicker. If you’re bothered by the flickering or want to ensure you get the longest burn possible out of your candles, light them as far away from open windows, air conditioning vents, and fans as possible.
Wax Air Bubbles
The basic science behind candles is that the wax feeds the flame and keeps your candle lit. When there are air bubbles in the wax, there’s a moment when the flow of the wax is interrupted which can cause the flame to flicker.
Unfortunately, there’s no way for you to control this element because it’s up to the manufacturer to guarantee that the candles have no air bubbles when they’re made.
If you live in a particularly humid place, you might notice that your candles tend to flicker more when the humidity levels are high. This happens because humidity can make it harder for the wax to evaporate and burn.
A quick fix here is to light your candles in rooms where you have a dehumidifier so that they’re lit in the driest room in your home.
Uneven Burning
There are several reasons your candle might burn in an uneven way. Regardless of why it’s happening, an uneven burn might be to blame for the flickering.
Take a look at your candle to determine if it’s burning in an even or uneven way. If there are higher and lower areas in the candle pool, then the amount of fuel (wax) the candle has at a given time will vary, which can lead to flickering.
Also, if it seems like one side of the candle is burning at a much faster rate than the other, then the wick can get drowned by the wax as it melts or develop a buildup of carbon. Both of these things can also lead to a flickering flame.
For this reason, it’s important to take good care of your candles and check in regularly to make sure they are burning evenly.
Poor Quality
Lastly, the quality of your candle might also affect how much it flickers. Lower-quality candles tend to flicker more.
That’s why investing in well-made candles (like our Snif candles, which are made with a premium soy wax blend and pure cotton wicks) is another easy way to avoid excessive flickering.
Care for Your Candles
If you notice your candles flickering excessively, there are several different potential causes. Although a few may be out of your control, taking good care of your candles is the easiest way to avoid excessive flickering and get the best burn possible.
Elements of a Candle: Wicks |
What are the main ways to control moisture in your home? | US EPA
(PDF) Combustion characteristics of candles made from hydrogenated soybean oil | Research Gate