

Get More "You Smell Good" Compliments: Cheeky Scents

There’s almost no better compliment than being told you smell good by a friend or a coworker as they breeze by you and catch a whiff. In a world where we’re exposed to so many powerful smells, both good and bad, it can feel good to know that you’re standing out in a crowd thanks to your scent. 

In this guide, we’ll break down four easy ways to ensure those “you smell good” compliments come flooding in. From there, we will take a close look at a few of the cheekiest scents from Snif that are sure to turn heads (and noses) in your direction. 

How Can You Smell Good?

Before we dive into the best scents to score compliments, let’s talk about a few easy, practical hacks to keep you smelling good all day long. Unfortunately, body oil, sweat, product buildup, bacteria, and many other unavoidable things can be odor-causing. Thankfully, there are a few simple ways to say goodbye to bad smells, and we’re going to look at four of the best strategies for smelling good. 

Upgrade Your Deodorant

We won’t lie. One of the main causes of bad smells is body odor, and that’s where deodorant or roll-on antiperspirant comes in handy. Whether you’re opting for natural deodorant or something a little stronger, the right deodorant is definitely a good first step on the way to smelling good.

Think of it like this. If you wear perfume but not deodorant, no matter how good your perfume smells, it won’t be able to compete with your body’s natural production of body odor throughout the day… regardless of whether or not you’re hitting the gym that day.

Consider upgrading your deodorant by opting for a clinical strength or long-lasting variety. Just like fragrances, not all deodorants are made equally. It’s important to find a formula that doesn’t irritate the skin of your armpits but is strong enough to mask the scent of your body odor. 

Find a New Signature Scent

Once you have your upgraded deodorant, it’s time to move on to the search for your signature scent. When choosing your signature scent, think about some of your favorite natural smells and why you love them. This will help you get a picture of the type of scent you’re looking for. 

Once you’ve found your signature scent, make sure to apply a spritz to your pulse points in the morning and reapply throughout the day as needed. When you apply your fragrance to your pulse points, you’re using chemistry to your advantage. As your body gets warmer throughout the day, the scent is activated and released. 

Don’t be afraid to play with your favorite fragrances once you find them. Layering scents to make new, delicious fragrances is an easy way to ensure that your new signature scent is one that no one else will be rocking. 

Switch Up Your Shampoo and Conditioner

Between a solid deodorant and an irresistible signature scent, you should have your skincare and body care perfected. That means it's time to turn our attention to hair. If you feel like your shampoo and conditioner aren’t doing a good job getting all the dirt and oil from your scalp, then it’s probably time to switch up those products. 

When you look for your new shampoo and conditioner, try and go for products that won’t compete with your skincare. They should be complementary and layer nicely, leaving you with a cohesive, delicious fragrance combination. 

The same principle goes for any body wash or body lotion you incorporate into your routine. Your products should always be complementary and if you’re worried that there are too many scents competing, don’t be afraid to opt for some unscented products as well. 

Take Your Laundry to the Next Level

The final step to securing those “you smell good” compliments once you’ve taken care of skincare and hair care is bringing your laundry to the next level. Consider a new laundry detergent with scent boosters (like baking soda dissolved in the wash water) to make sure that your clothes smell as good as you do. 

If you’re looking for a more natural solution to give your laundry a boost, you can consider adding a few drops of essential oils when you wash your clothes. This will help deep-clean and target any smells trapped in the fabric of your clothes without risking skin irritation. 

Once your laundry comes out of the machine, you can give it a little spritz of fabric deodorizer to ensure that it maintains the “fresh out of the dryer” smell all day long. Another post-dryer hack for great-smelling clothes is to put tissue paper or cotton balls with your signature scent in your drawers or closet. 

This will help with cohesion and enhance the effects of your favorite fragrance. You can also hang sachets with some of your favorite dried flowers in your closet to give your clothes a bit of a floral scent. 

What Are the Best Scents To Get Compliments?

Now that we’ve unlocked some of the secrets to smelling good, it’s time to see the best scents to keep those compliments coming. As we take a look at some of our cheekiest scents, keep in mind that fragrance is personal, so you should go for a signature scent that you love, regardless of what anyone else thinks. 

Sweet Ash

Sweet Ash is a subtle, earthy fragrance that you can wear anytime, anyplace. This playful scent features juniper, bergamot, fir balsam, tonka, vanilla bean, white moss, and patchouli. Although it is low-key at first, don’t make the mistake of thinking Sweet Ash is a simple scent. The sweet, citrusy notes will surprise and delight you. 

House of 8

For a more dramatic take on a signature scent, look no further than our chocolate fragrance, House of 8. Made with a combination of chocolate, sage, heliotrope, vanilla, iris, lavender flower, and sandalwood, this is a fragrance that’s both deep and flowery, making it a mysterious balance for someone who’s looking for a showstopper. 

Tart Deco

There’s sometimes the worry that when you go for a fruity fragrance, you might have to sacrifice some of the refined sophistication that comes with more subtle, natural scents. Say goodbye to that worry with Tart Deco. This is a luxurious take on a cherry scent with black cherry, raspberry, rose, jasmine, mimosa, birchwood, vetiver, and vanilla.


If you’re looking for a creamy, soft scent that will seamlessly make the transition from workday to night out, look no further than Suganami. Featuring angelica seeds, coriander, iris, rose, cypress, myrrh, amber, cedarwood, and musk, this woody scent feels timeless and smooth. 

Vanilla Vice

There’s something endlessly alluring about the smell of vanilla. With Vanilla Vice, you can capture the allure of vanilla and bring it to the next level. This complex fragrance combines vanilla along with amberwood, musk, jasmine, and orcanox. It’s an ode to the classic vanilla fragrance that offers a compelling, modern twist to keep people coming back for another whiff. 


In this guide, we looked at several tips for smelling good all day long, from a deodorant upgrade to tips for ensuring your clean clothes smell super fresh. 

Whether it’s the subtlety of Sweet Ash, the sweetness of Vanilla Vice, or the timelessness of Suganami, there’s a scent out there for you. So, find your signature scent, reapply frequently, and get ready to answer all those questions about how you smell so good.


Functional Neuronal Processing of Human Body Odors | NIH

The effect of habitual and experimental antiperspirant and deodorant product use on the armpit microbiome | NIH 

Effect of shampoo, conditioner and permanent waving on the molecular structure of human hair | NIH

Laundry detergents: an overview | NIH

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